Spiritual Renewal

Two gifts

Two gifts

Jim and Della were a newly married couple. They loved each other but the trouble was that they were very poor. They lived in New York in the suburbs. They had a very small room to live in.

They worked from early morning till late at night but they got very little money for their work.

And yet, they had two treasures. They were: Jim's gold watch and Della's beautiful hair.


       - O. Henry


God is a Father full of mercy, who waits upon and is pleased with the least of our efforts.
Élisabeth Bruyère (Personal Notebook)
Never repay evil with evil but let everyone see that you are interested only in the highest ideals.
Rm 12, 17
Happiness is a mosaic, composed of a thousand little stones, which separately and of themselves have little value, but which united with art form a graceful design.
Delphine de Girardin