Spiritual Renewal

Vol. 41 No 2 - June 2022

Bannière Journal Échos

Vol. 41 No 2 - June 2022

Mother Élisabeth Bruyère wrote to the Sisters in Pembroke on December 24, 1868: "Devote yourself fully to the students entrusted to you. Ready yourself to teach through your studies so that you will not be weak in any area. Seriously study grammar, arithmetic, geography, etc., so that you may make your pupils strong in these important subjects. Don't try to teach what you don't know, but make yourself capable of dealing with everything."



God is a Father full of mercy, who waits upon and is pleased with the least of our efforts.
Élisabeth Bruyère (Personal Notebook)
Never repay evil with evil but let everyone see that you are interested only in the highest ideals.
Rm 12, 17
Happiness is a mosaic, composed of a thousand little stones, which separately and of themselves have little value, but which united with art form a graceful design.
Delphine de Girardin