
Mère Elisabeth Bruyère

Mother Élisabeth Bruyère, Venerable

Mother Élisabeth Bruyère Declared Venerable by Pope Francis

The Archdiocese of Ottawa and the Sisters of Charity rejoice this morning upon hearing the announcement from the Vatican that Mother Elisabeth Bruyère, founder of the Sisters of Charity of Bytown (now Ottawa) has been declared Venerable, a first step toward a possible canonization in the future.

Archbishop Prendergast, expresses his joy at learning of this good news and takes this opportunity to remind us of the great contribution Mother Bruyère and members of her congregation have exercised in our city and our diocese since their very foundation. "Mother Bruyère and the Sisters of Charity initiated and founded several of the charitable institutions that continue to be very present and active in our community, especially in health and education. Mother Bruyère's ministry, her life of prayer and heartfelt devotion towards helping the neediest, reflect God's love for us all. May Mother Bruyère continue to guide her fellow Sisters and sustain them in their efforts as they continue to cater to the needs of the people of Ottawa, the members of our Christian communities and our Archdiocese. This wonderful announcement is another good reason to proclaim a joyful Alleluia in these days of Easter."


God is a Father full of mercy, who waits upon and is pleased with the least of our efforts.
Élisabeth Bruyère (Personal Notebook)
Never repay evil with evil but let everyone see that you are interested only in the highest ideals.
Rm 12, 17
Happiness is a mosaic, composed of a thousand little stones, which separately and of themselves have little value, but which united with art form a graceful design.
Delphine de Girardin